Sunday, February 14, 2016

3 Reasons Why Data Scientists will be in Such Great Demand in the Near Future

To be a success in business today and in the future, organizations need to be able to convert raw data into valuable insights. Timely insights are of the most value, as they allow companies to be more agile, and responsive to their customers and markets, giving them a competitive edge.  With current data insights, businesses can be the trendsetters and not constantly playing catch-up.  In Jamie Thomas' article, Insights-as-a-Service Grows with Focus on Real Time in DataInformed, 8/11/2105, she explains the need for real-time insights.

As Gadi Lenz, discusses in Prepare for the IoT Revolution, DataInformed, 11/3/2015, the IoT has created such a vast amount of information that companies who want to leverage that information have to understand and incorporate new techniques to overcome the nosiness of the IoT data. This will create big challenges for companies to develop new methods and systems for analysis.  As companies recognize the gap between collected data and analyzed data, they will have to determine what information really needs to be collected and what is just noise that will not impact business decisions, but will take their valuable limited resources.

Drawing on these two articles, it is apparent that businesses today and tomorrow will need to focus on utilizing the information they collect and develop ways to cut through the clutter.  The Data Scientist plays a vital role in the ability of an organization to use their data effectively.

Managing Data – As IoT data is primarily collected from both fixed and mobile sensors, it represents a new type of streaming data for companies who are used to working with their own static databases.  This new challenge will require extensive experience and know-how.

Leverage Analytics – Companies will have to overcome the nosiness of the IoT to be able to leverage the analytics derived from the all the data collected.

Data Insights – With all the data that is collected, it needs to be refined, easily accessible and analyzed to convert the raw information into vital insights.

To be a viable business today and in the future, it is imperative for organizations to prepare now for the onslaught of available information with the expertise to derive pertinent insights from what is collected.

Lori Steinberg is an experienced, data-driven professional with an MBA and over 20 years’ experience developing and executing sales and marketing strategies in distribution, medical device, and safety markets.  Currently a Digital Marketing Consultant with Advanced Analytics of the Future (AAotF) and pursuing a Social Media Marketing Specialization Certification from Northwestern University.

To secure the competitive advantage available through enhanced data availability and analytic techniques, companies will have to address the lack of trained analytic talent. AAotF provides practical solutions to individuals and businesses who seek to bridge the growing gap between the supply and demand of analytic talent.

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